How To Gain Weight? 15 Fast Weight Gain Tips

In this post I will show you 15 Fast Weight Gain Tips that will help you put on some extra pounds.

1. Review Your Diet

You may feel as though you are eating more than enough. But you are still not gaining weight and this can be frustrating.

The key here is to be patient and review your diet.

Make a note of what you are eating.

As soon as you do this you may notice you are not eating enough calories to gain weight.

2. Track Your Calories

You should be eating more calories than your body burns.

The amount of calories you need to consume varies from person to person.

Calorie tracking apps such as Cronometer allows the user to track their calories and focus on their nutrition as a whole.

So you can track your daily nutritional intake and keep up to date with the nutrient profile of foods

3. Be Consistent

Gaining weight is no overnight fix, but if you are consistent in your goals you may see some weight gain results in a week

Weight gain comes down to creating a caloric surplus and sustaining it over the days, weeks, and months.

So be consistent in your progress.

4. Eat More Often (and Begin Early)

A large percentage of underweight people struggle to eat enough calories because they start too late (skip breakfast, and possibly even lunch) and don’t eat often enough.

The best way to consume more food without stuffing yourself is to eat more often — breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.

This would not only allow you to eat plenty of good calories, but it also keeps you energized and clear of mind for the entire day.

So, start early and have more frequent meals and snacks throughout the day.

5. Eat Calorie Dense Foods

Amongst this post of fast weight gain tips are calorie dense foods.

Calorie dense foods are those that contain a lot of calories in a small amount of food allowing someone to increase their daily calorie intake because they provide a higher amount of energy within a smaller volume.

However, it’s essential to choose nutrient-rich calorie-dense foods to support overall health and avoid excessive consumption of empty calories.

By focusing on foods rich in calories and nutrients, such as nuts, seeds, avocados, and whole grains, individuals can ensure that their bodies have the surplus of energy needed for weight gain whilst also benefitting from essential nutrients.

6. Plan Ahead

To see results when gaining weight requires patience. If you are following the correct ways to gain weight healthily then you will see a gradual increase in weight.

You should try eating every 2 to 3 hours. However if you are unsure what to eat for your next meal you may go too long without eating.

So plan and make a list of nutrient and calorie dense foods or meals.

7. Gradually Increase Your Calorie Intake

If you don’t eat enough then your body will not be used to eating a lot of food. So take your time as you begin to increase the size of your meals.

Take for example a toast. If you are having one slice for breakfast then try two slices next time.

Eating one egg then try two eggs next time

It’s all about small changes now adding up to huge changes later.

8. Eat More Protein-Rich Foods

Productive weight gain comes from increases in muscle mass.

But to do that, you need to supply your body with plenty of protein — the macronutrient which provides you with the building blocks you need for muscle and every other kind of lean tissue in the body

A protein powder supplement is also a convenient way of adding more protein to your diet.

9. Eat More Than Your Body Burns

Did you know that every time your body makes any movements, it loses calories? Of course this also depends on the lifestyle you are living and how active you are.

If you are living a busy and hectic lifestyle then your body is burning lots of calories.

For example, if you ate 1,000 calories and, then went to the gym and burnt 1,000 calories then you are back at square one.

Yes that means nothing.

If you are not gaining weight then you might be eating less than your body is burning.

10. Exercise

The fundamental thing you need to keep in mind is that if you want to get bigger, you need to get stronger. Some exercises are better suited to help you achieve that than others.

As an underweight individual just starting out at the gym, focus on compound exercises such as:-

Barbell rows

Bench press



Overhead press


These exercises should make the majority of your training, and your goal should be to get stronger on them progressively

You will be sure to stimulate muscle growth, and, by extension, healthy weight gain

Of course, good nutrition is essential for weight gain, and you can’t disregard it on your journey of getting bigger.

11. Try a weight Gain Shake

Not only are weight gainers high in calories but they are also high in protein and carbohydrate.

As the name itself suggests, a weight gainer is designed to help you gain weight.

So if you decide to purchase one then keep an eye out on the calories per serving, sugar content, protein count and the quality of the ingredients.

It’s generally best to avoid weight gainers that deliver the majority of carbs in the form of simple sugars, as that says a lot about the overall quality of the product.

Take a weight gainer in conjunction with an exercise program to avoid gaining weight in the wrong places.

12. Get Quality Sleep

It appears that a lack of sleep is one of the biggest roadblocks for people who want to gain strength and muscle mass.

Not getting enough sleep leads to poor muscle recovery, slower muscle growth, and in some cases even muscle loss.

A study found that sleep quality was positively linked to muscle strength whereas having less sleep was associated with reduced muscle strength.

As a result we must optimise our sleep as muscle growth is a big factor for healthy weight gain.

A good starting point is to aim for eight hours of sleep a every night.

13. Add Condiments To Your Food

Condiments help enhance the flavour of a dish, a condiment is a preparation added to foods, or extras that compliment a dish.

By including condiments to your diet you are adding in extra calories to your food.

The following are high calorie condiments:-


Tartar Sauce



Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Coconut Oil

14. Eat High Calorie Snacks

Despite snacking definitions one thing is for sure and that is snacking will help increase your daily calorie intake.

For healthy weight gain choose snack that are calorie and nutrient dense. Such as:-


Greek Yogurt With Fruit and Nuts

Trial Mix

Apple With Peanut Butter

Whole Grains

15. Seek Professional Help

If you are struggling to gain weight and have been for sometime, or are underweight, or have lost weight due to an underlying health condition, then seek the help of a doctor.

A doctor may refer you to a dietician who advise people on the food and nutrition choices. They will also come up with a plan to help you gain weight.

Conclusion – 15 Fast Weight Gain Tips

In conclusion, these 15 fast weight gain tips offer a holistic approach to achieving your weight gain goals.

Whether you’re focusing on calorie-dense foods, resistance training, or mindful meal planning, the key is to prioritize your health and well-being throughout the journey.

Remember that individual needs and preferences may vary. What works for you may not work for someone else.

By following these tips with dedication and consistency, you can embark on a successful and sustainable path toward achieving your desired weight gain in a healthy manner.

1 thought on “How To Gain Weight? 15 Fast Weight Gain Tips”

  1. Pingback: Want To Gain Weight? Try This High Calorie Shake -

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